Friday, February 22, 2013

What is Good?

     For many, good may have multiple meanings. When the word good arises in conversation, comparisons to monetary objects generally come about. Plato has a view that gold, silver, and bronze should be the "Standard" for which people's lives are to follow, along with not much room for improvising, or changes. Good takes on many forms, but in particular when it comes to a person's life from birth to death, good can be anything ranging from having loving parents, to just being able to have the basic necessities such as a home, or food.  

    In comparison to Plato's time, the mass media would have one think that good is something such as; having one risk their health in order to fit the beauty ideal, or having an extremely large amount of money to indicate power. In my view good cannot be simply put into general terms, but instead I think that good comes in many forms, and that good has to be determined by the individual, and the individual alone. 

    While society can play a major factor in the defining of good, I believe within self is where the true meaning of good resides. Depending on where you stand on the issue of what is considered good or not, ask yourself the question, then why are some people good, while others are not? Gold, silver, and bronze, to me are not standards to measure goodness or value of self, but instead these are monetary things that could potentially corrupt ones view of good.


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