Tuesday, April 30, 2013


My final blog post!!!!!!!!!! This is what my final blog post is about and the topic is the one thing or I should say person I actually CARE about in this world and she is the only person I actually exude any energy over. That person is my two year old daughter, Piper, and as stated earlier she is the only person to be able to get a wide array of emotions out of me. So there my readers have it. There is someone I am actually not just simply “whatever” over.
On the first day of class we were asked what would our idea of utopia is or something to that effect. I forget what I said the first day, but I would like to change that if I may. Having had time to mull this over, my new idea for a perfect world would be one in which my daughter would have a perfect life and one where she never had any heartaches, pain or problems. Now I am routinely told that conflict makes us stronger people and that you have to be sad in order to know what happiness is. I think Kahlil Glibran wrote about that. While everyone is correct on that I must admit to being the stereotypical parent in that I feel that the more I can lessen the pain she has to go through in life the better off she will be.
All of this does tie into the idea of utopia though and this is how I expressing my humble opinion, and after hearing all these different types of utopias, I believe that the only true utopia that can exist is the one you make for yourself. There is no magical pill, no stroke of the pen that can make every one happy and live in a state of nirvana. It’s up to each of us individually to create his or her own utopia. Every day people choose more or less to either be happy or sad (Abraham Lincoln) unless you’re someone like I am who is happily oblivious to everything. J The point of all this is that utopia will never happen in the broad sense of society because there is no one thing or state of existence that makes everyone happy. Therefore, we all should be happy in our own way so that we can all have our own, self-made utopia.  


  1. Wow. Good thoughts. This has made me think a lot about the subjectivity of utopias. I just wrote about something similar in my research paper: "One man's paradise is another man's perdition," or something like that.

    I also like how you quoted Lincoln saying that we have the power to help make ourselves happy. I think this is something I try to apply every day, but don't realize it. I guess it may be up to each of us to find our own happiness instead of trying to create the cureall society.

  2. This is a really beautiful post Alex, that really makes one re-think what they have wanted in their utopia. Beauty, just like utopia, is in the eye of the beholder and what you get out of a situation is what you give. I do believe personal happiness comes from the utopia you make for yourself everyday. If you have the power to make yourself happy, then you are really trying to make your life be more utopic. But it's also to make the ones you love happy as well.

    Be sure to show your daughter this post when she is older. It will mean the world to her.

  3. I completely agree with you. As a parent you always want what is best for your child. I reality, people suck and don't care about other people and their feelings. The only thing you can do is provide her with the things that can give ther happiness and joy. When you surround yourself with the things and people who make you happy, there you will find your utopia, if only for a little while.
