Friday, March 8, 2013

What is the point?

If utopia is supposed to be perfect why can't you have personal relationships and why are women so far off the radar? In everything we have read we have heard about the classical idea of a family: mother, father, kid(s). Everything seems ok with this until you read farther and discover that if a child does not like his father's profession he can be "adopted" by another family with the desired profession. Families can be taken apart and stitched back together in more desirable fashions. They are changed for the benefit of the whole community. Which makes sense seeing as how many of us voted for good of the community over good of the one. Utopias cannot exist if good of the one is always put to the front. But why do personal relationships have to suffer? You can still have a family unit and friends and have utopia. I understand now that to maintain a perfect society there have to be rules but without friends and family life can lose meaning. I get that in utopia the community is meant to be your family but why can't there be smaller more intimate relationships?

In the utopias we have read women are basically off the radar, unless of course they are raising the children or require special carts for travel or need special seating at dinner so they don't cause disturbances. Seems like a downer to be female. "Yay I get to read my children, how long they'll be my child who knows, pre-selected and screened stories!" I think the women should be more mentioned and not just in the negative ways. I'm not saying there should be a just women utopia I just think that totally forgetting about women, other than as care providers seems a bit one sided. Women play a big part in every society why not so much in utopias?

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